Secondary School Grants
Grants to schools may be for the following activities or assets:
- Those assets that have a direct relationship to agricultural or horticultural education
- Those assets that would not normally be funded by the Ministry of Education
- Courses that assist in agricultural or horticultural education
- Teaching resources to aid in agricultural or horticultural education
- Courses that teachers of agriculture or horticulture may attend, to further their knowledge on these subjects
- Supplementary course costs, normally paid by schools, but in horticulture or agriculture, to encourage that choice
The Critera
For more the 3 decades, the L A Alexander Trust has supported the teaching of Agriculture and Horticulture in Taranaki secondary schools. This support has been under 5 categories:
- The provision of facilities for teaching Agriculture and Horticulture (but not classrooms)
- The purchase of technology equipment essential to the teaching of Ag/Hort.
- The purchase of software to support Ag/Hort programmes.
- Professional development and support.
- To subsidise (up to 50%) of student course costs of agriculture related Star programmes. (Applications made in term 4 following successful completion of the course)
How to Apply
Applications from schools for support under the criteria above are first considered by the secondary school advisory group – made up of the regions AgHort teachers.
These are forwarded to Ross Redpath (who convenes the group) in February each year.
A meeting is then held in early March to consider the applications and a final set of recommendations are forwarded to the trustees for consideration at their next meeting – usually held in April/May. Schools are informed of the trustee’s decisions for funding support following this meeting.
Schools are encouraged to discuss any significant capital ‘projects’ with either the trustees during their annual visits in November each year or with Ross Redpath (Agricultural Education and Project Advisor for the L A Trust) to fully outline the educational/learning outcomes associated the with any requests.
Applications Close
Closing date for applications is 28th February each year. The Trustees’ decision on the granting the scholarships is final.

What we have granted
Garden implements, pruning ladders, overhead projectors
Greenhouses, glasshouses, water reticulation
Greenhouses, glasshouses, water reticulation
Taranaki Agricultural and Horticultural Teacher’s annual In Service day, including reimbursement of the cost of relief teachers
HATA and other agriculture/horticulture courses
Supplementary course costs, normally paid by schools, but in horticulture or agriculture, to encourage that choice